- Experiencing a longing for one's home during a period of absence from it
To some, homesick is just a word. To a U.S. Troop, homesick has many definitions. It can mean missing their wife or husband, parents, siblings, and friends. Missing milestones in their children’s lives, and knowing they will continue to grow up, even in their absence. Some troops may long for everyday luxuries that many of us take for granted. Small delights such as a hot bath, civilian clothes, or taking a ride through the country. Homesick might simply be wanting to sleep in their own beds, and to know they are safe. Whatever each of their own personal definition of the word may be, it’s important our United States service members know they are always in our thoughts. That we, as Americans, are forever grateful for our freedoms that the military ensure.
One way to let our troops know that they are appreciated, and to “give them a taste of home” is through care packages. A sad, yet true fact, is that we have service members overseas that go through their entire deployment without ever receiving anything from the states. I firmly believe our troops deserve everything they could possibly need or want. Especially while enduring the stresses of being in a foreign place, and missing everyday enjoyments. Through donations of items to be shipped, small contributions or donations of money, and sending letters of gratitude, we can help a troop, or entire platoon, that is homesick and remind them they haven’t been forgotten.
Below are 5 websites that will connect you with a U.S. Troop, or an entire platoon, that can help you with everything from sending care packages and letters, to donating items and money contributions.
1. Hero Box is a non-profit organization that can connect you online with a service member that is overseas. Hero Box supports deployed American troops, by providing them with not only items, but support as well. When a sponsor sends a Hero Box, it is customized to the service members needs.
2. Any Soldier is completely volunteer based and has a number of helpful tips on their website. As of the date of this post, Any Soldier is helping approximately 60, 831 service member, and has 1, 428 military contacts. You can send items or support to whichever unit or units you choose.
3. Operation Shoebox is made up with over 1,300 volunteers in 3 locations, along with additional volunteers all across the US. Operation Shoebox sends not only support, but care packages, letters, and items in bulk amounts to help raise troops morale.
4. Soldiers Angels is non-profit organization, and through their volunteers, provide comforts and assistance to military men and women. Soldiers Angels has 1,946 heroes waiting for someone to adopt them as of date of this post. You can check out Soldiers Angel's list of teams and projects, or make a donation.
5. U.S. Troop Care Package is able to send care packages to troops by relying on their volunteers, donated items, and contributions. They ask that families and friends of troops overseas submit their names, or the troop submit their own name, and addresses, and U.S. Troop Care Packages can send them packages.
The act of kindness from a stranger will forever be in the men and women's hearts, and knowing how happy you made that service member during mail call will forever be in yours.
The 913th Engineer Company Company out of Union City, Tennessee deployed again, August 18th, 2011. The troops were escorted from their unit, to the airport in Memphis, by members of various organizations, such as The Patriot Guard Riders. We will be making care packages for this unit, as well as others, and shipping them, as soon as we receive their overseas mailing addresses. Below you can click to donate which will help with cost of items and shipping. Every little bit helps, and our U.S. Troops are more than worth it!
In the comment section below, please list any military units, or individual service members, that are currently deployed overseas or expected to be deployed, along with the date. To do so privately, click Email Daily-Jargon. Thank you all for your help and support!
This video is the 913th Engineer Company being escorted to the airport in Memphis, Tennessee. The very first motorcycle, is Billy Laird. His son, Sgt. Dustin Laird, was with the 913th on their first deployment, when he was KIA in August 2006. Billy was asked to have the honor of leading the group. He said although it was extremely hard and emotional, he proudly accepted.
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